Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Biology of Mind Essay

* Everything psychological is simultaneously biological   * Plato correctly located the mind in the spherical head * Aristotle believed mind was in the heart   * Although heart is the symbol for love, psychology has proven that you fall in love using your brain * 1800s Franz Gall (German psychologist) invented phrenology theory that claims that bumps on our skull could reveal our mental ability and character traits * Biological Psychology – the branch of psychology concerned with the links between biology and behaviour * Biological psychologists sometimes called Behavioural neuroscientist, neuropsychologist, behaviour geneticist, psychological psychologist, bio psychologist †¦ * We are a system of substances, that are composed of even smaller substances (tiny cells make up body organs) * Body’s information system is built from billions of tiny interconnected system of neurones * Sensory Neurones – neurons that carry incoming information from the sensory receptor the brain and the spinal cord for processing – â€Å"afferent† * Motor Neurons – the neurons that carry outgoing information from the brain to the muscles and the glands – â€Å"efferent† * Interneurons – neurons within the brain and the spinal corf that that communicate internally and intervene between the sensory inputs and the motor outputs * Each neuron consists of a: * Cell body and branching fibres (the cell’s life support center) * Dendrite fibres – receive information and conduct it toward the cell body * Axon – passes messages away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles and glands * Can be very long projecting several feet into the body * Myelin sheath – a layer of fatty tissue segmentally encasing the fibres of many neurons * Allows for fast impulse transmission among neurons * If myelin sheath degenerates, communication to muscles slow with eventual loss of muscle control * Action potential – brief electric charge that travels down a neuron’s axon (neural impulse) * Generally an axon is in a negative state, while the fluid outside an axon is in a positive state * Resting potential – the positive outside/ negative inside state of an inert neuron * K+ [ ] in axon < Na+ [ ] outside axon (-70mv) * Axon membrane is Selectively Permeable – does not allow everything inside (selective) * When a neuron fires, the first bit of the axon opens up allowing positively charged sodium ions to enter * That section of the ion becomes depolarized, making the axon’s next channel to open up * During resting period(refractory period) the neurons pump the positively charged sodium ions back outside * Each neuron receives signals from hundreds of other neurons * Excitatory signals – like pushing a neuron accelerator * Inhibitory signals – like pushing its breaks * Threshold – the level of stimulation required to trigger a natural impulse * If the excitatory signal minus inhibitory signal exceeds a min intensity (-60mv) * How neurons communicate: Before thought that axon of one cell fused with dendrites of another, but Sir Charles Sherrington noticed that it takes a long time for the signal to travel. Therefore concluded that there is a gap * Synapse – the junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite of the receiving cell * Synapse gap (synaptic cleft) – the tiny gap at the junction (less than a millionth inch wide) * When action potential reaches the terminal’s at the axon, release of chemical messenger is triggered (neurotransmitters) * Soon the neurotransmitters cross the synapse gap and bind to the receptor site on the receiving neuron * For an instant the receptors unlock the channels at the receiving site and electrically changed atoms flow in , exciting or inhibiting the receiving neu ron readiness to fire * Then reuptake occurs (a process when the sending neuron reabsorbs the neurotransmitters) * How neurotransmitters Influence Us : there is a particular path way in the brain for certain neurotransmitters and particular neurotransmitters may have particular effect on behaviour and emotion * Example: Acetylcholine (ACh) – one of the best understood neurotransmitters * Has to do with learning and memory * At every junction between motor neurons and skeletal muscles * Muscles contract, but when pathway is blocked we are paralyzed * Drugs like artificial opiates (like heroin and morphine) lessen pain and boost mood, may cause brain to stop producing its natural opiates (may cause discomfort) * Drugs and other chemical affect brain chemistry at synapses by either amplifying or blocking a neurotransmitter’s activity * Agonist – a molecule similar to a neurotransmitter that can mimic its effect or block the reuptake * Black widow spider venom floods synapses with Ach cause muscle contractions †¦ and possibly death * Antagonists – block neurotransmitter’s functioning * May occupy receptor sites – but not similar enough to stimulate receptor * Nervous system – body’s electrochemical communication network consisting of nerve cells from peripheral and central nervous systems * Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) – sensory and motor nervous system that connects the CNS to the rest of the body. Has 2 components: * Somatic Nervous System – part of the PNS that controls skeletal muscles * Automatic Nervous System – part of the PNS that controls the glands and muscles of the internal organs (ie the heart) * Sympathetic nervous System – arouses the body and gives energy * Accelerate heartbeat, raise blood pressure, slow digestion †¦ when something alarms, enrages or challenges you making you alert and ready for action * Parasympathetic Nervous System – calms the body down, conserving energy (opposite of sympathetic) The two work together to keep you in steady internal state * Central Nervous System (CNS) – the brain and the spinal cord * Neural networks– groups of brain neurons cluster into work groups * Neurons network with near-by neurons with which they can make fast connection * Spinal cord – information way connecting PNS to the Brain * Reflex – an automatic response to a sensory stimulus – spinal cord’s work * Simple reflex pathway is composed of single sensory & motor neurons * Communicate through interneurons * Below pt of injury on spinal cord – loses connection w/ brain – lose all sensation and voluntary movement in body regions with sensory & motor connections * The Endocrine System – body’s slow chemical communication system; a set of glands that produce hormones into your bloodstream * Hormones – chemical messengers that are manufactured by the endocrine glands, travel through the bloodstream and affect other tissues * Slower than neural massages, but last longer * Adrenal Gland – a pair of endocrine glands that sit just above the kidneys and secrete hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) that help arouse the body at time of stress * Increase heart rate, blood sugar levels, blood pressure †¦ * Pituitary Gland – endocrine system’s most influential gland. When under hypothalamus influence, the pituitary gland regulates growth and controls other endocrine glands * Pea sized structure located in the core of the brain * Example pituitary gland influences the sex glands to release sex hormones * (brain pituitary other hormone brain ) – connection b/w endocrine + nervous Module 5 * Lesion – tissue destruction   * Brain lesion -Naturally or experimentally caused destruction of brain tissue * Used in Experiments: tiny clusters of normal/defective brain cells would be destroyed w/ surrounding unharmed – which part influences what Scientists electrically/chemically/magnetically stimulate various parts of the brain – note effects * Neuroscientists study the working brain by: recording brain’s electrical activity * Electroencephalogram (EEG) – amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain’s surface (measured by electrodes places on scalp) * PET (positron emission tomography) Scan – visual display that shows brain activity that detects where radioactive glucose (gamma rays) goes in the brain while it performs a certain task * Active neurons are glucose hogs * MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) – technique that uses magnetic field and radio waves to produce computer generated images of the soft tissue – show brain anatomy * Align spinning atoms of the brain molecules, then radio wave pulse temporarily disorients atoms return to normal spin; formed detailed pic of the brain tissue b/c released signals * fMRI (functional MRI) – a technique revealing blood flow (brain activity), by comparing successive MRIs – show brain function and structure * Brainstem – the oldest part of the central core of the brain * Starts where the spinal cord swells as it enters the skull * Responsible for automatic survival functions   * Medulla – base of brainstem * Responsible for heartbeat and breathing * Right above the medulla are the pons help coordinate movement Brainstem is where most nerves to and from each side of the brain connects to the opposite side of the body – crossover pt * Reticular formation – located inside brainstem b/w ears – extends from spinal cord thalamus * A nerve network – plays an important role in controlling arousal * Filters incoming stimuli and relays important info to other parts of brain * Thalamus – brain’s sensory switchboard receives sensory info – except smell – from all senses, then directs messages to the sensory receiving area in the cortex and transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla * Located on top of the brainstem * Cerebellum – functions include processing sensory input and coordinating voluntary movement output and balance – located at the back of the brainstem * Enables nonverbal learning + memory – judge time, modulate emotions, discriminate sounds/textures Limbic System – neural system associated with emotions and drive * Located below cerebral hemisphere – 2 halves of brain (brain hemisphere) * Hippocampus – process memory * Amygdala – two neural clusters linked to emotion (influences aggression and fear) * Hypothalamus – located below the thalamus – keep body’s internal environment in a steady state * Directs several maintenance activities (eating, drinking, body temperature) * Helps govern endocrine system via pituitary glands * Linked to emotions and reward Module 6 * Older brain networks sustain basic functions and enable emotion, memory and basic derives * Newer brain networks (within the cerebrum the two hemispheres that make up 85% of our brain mass) are responsible for more advanced things like speaking and thinking and perceiving Cerebral cortex – thin layer of interconnected neural cells covers the brain(cerebral) hemispheres. – body’s ultimate control + info-processing center (thinking mostly occurs) * As we move up the animal ladder, cerebral cortex expands, genetic control decreases, and adaptation increases * small cerebral cortex (ie frogs) operate mostly on programed genetic instructions (instinct); larger cortex – larger capacity for learning & thinking more adaptable * Humans have a very complex functioning cortex Structure: Has lots of wrinkles and if expanded, triples the area * brain hemispheres filled w/ axons connecting cerebral cortex to all other brain regions * Glial cells – cells in the nervous system that protect, nourish and support neurons * Provide nutrients, insulating myelin, guide neural connection and mop up ions and neurotransmitters to neurons * May also participate in information transmission and memory * Moving up animal chain proportion of glial cells to neurons increases * Each hemispheres (there are 2) are divided into 4 lobes separated by fissures (folds) * Frontal lobe (behind the forehead) – involved in speaking and muscle movement also controls making plans and judgments * Parietal lobe (at the top to rear) – receives sensory input for touch & body position * Occipital lobe (at the back of the head) – receives information from visual fields * Temporal lobe (above the ear) – includes auditory areas (receives info from opposite ear) Functions: * German physician Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzing applied mild electric stimulation to a dog’s cortex caused parts of the dog’s body to move * Worked only when stimulating the arch shaped regions on the back of the frontal lobe * Stimulating parts of this region in the left/right hemisphere caused movements on opposite side of certain body parts Motor cortex – area at the rear of the frontal lobe that controls voluntary movement * Areas of body that require most control (like fingers and mouth) have largest area * Sensory cortex – area at front of parietal lobe that process sensory touch &movement sensations * The more sensitive the body region, the larger area for sensory cortex is developed for it * Association area – areas of the cerebral cortex not involved in primary motor control function or sensory functions: they are involved in more complex functions like learning, memory, thinking and speaking * Not dormant areas – rather interpr et, integrate & act on info processed by sensory areas * found in all four lobes * Front lobe enable judging, processing of new memories and planning * Damage to frontal lobe may cause personality change (Ex Gage, damaged frontal lobe, but still had all memories and skills intact.. just became more irritable and dishonest) * Parietal lobe enable mathematical and three-dimensional reasoning * Underside of the right temporal lobe allows us to recognize faces * Memory, language & attention results from synchronized activity among brain areas * Brain’s Plasticity – brain’s ability to change, during childhood, by reorganizing after damage or building new paths based on experience * Severed neurons do not regenerate and some specific brain functions are reassigned to certain areas * Some neural tissue can be reorganized if the person is still young * Constraint-induced therapy – aims to rewire the brain by warning a fully functioning limb and forcing the used of the disfunctioning limb * Losing a finger may cause the sensory area responsible for that finger to input adjacent figures (making them more sensitive) * Neurogenesis – formation of new neurons * The fact that brain`s two sides serve different functions is seen when there is damage * 1961, Philip Vogel and Joseph Bogen thought that major epileptic seizures were caused by increase in brain activity bouncing back and forth between the cerebral hemispheres * Tried cutting the corpus callosum – the large band of axon fibre connecting the two brain hemispheres and carrying massages between them * Split brain – condition resulting from the surgery that isolates the brain`s two hemispheres by cutting the fibres (mainly those in corpus callosum) connecting them * Normal personality and intellect hardly affected * Right hemisphere – used when a person preforms perceptual tasks * Makes inferences to languages * Left hemisphere – increase activity when a person speaks or calculates * Makes quick, literal interpretations of language * Also responsible for sign language in deaf people * 90% of people are right handed and 10% of people are left handed ( a bit more male left handed people and a bit less female) * 96% of right handed people process speech in left hemisphere * 70% of left handed people process speech in left hemisphere, and everyone else either left or both * Bias of right hand is unique to humans (and other primates like chimpanzees and baboons) * Either genes or parental factor indicates handedness

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Liberal and Conservative View About the Role of Government

As long as there have been politics in the United States, there has been a productive tension between liberal views and conservative views. These differences are most clearly demonstrated by the disparate views on subjects such as education, taxes and public health care. Liberals and conservatives have different views about the role of government. While liberals; currently represented by the Democratic Party; and conservatives; currently represented by the Republican Party; both believe that education, tax policy, and public health are important issues for the United States; they have different beliefs about the best approach for these policies. Liberals tend towards policies that empower the central government through large all encompassing programs. On the other hand, conservatives prefer locally run programs that are not the same in all communities but may produce results more consistent with community preferences. Currently, no topic provides a better example of the difference between conservatives and liberals than education policy. The liberal belief is that education policy is best when dictated from Washington D. C. with federal education subsidies contingent upon state and local government compliance with federal mandates. Conservatives believe that federal money should not be based on specific agendas developed in Washington D. C. but instead should be granted to state and local governments in the form of grants. These grants do not have strings attached and can be used for state and local education priorities. Conservatives and Liberals also disagree about where education dollars should be spent. The liberal view is that children should go to public schools regardless of quality, they believe that public education efforts and money should be directed towards public schools. Conversely, conservatives believe that children in non-performing schools should have the option to go to private school at public expense. Their view is that competition between public and private schools will improve both. Nobody likes tax time. Liberals and Conservatives both agree that taxes are unavoidable. Their beliefs about the use of taxes and tax policy are very different, though. Liberals seem to believe that taxes are a federal entitlement. They believe that tax money should be spent by the government on large government programs that provide services to people instead of by the taxpayer themselves. Furthermore, liberals believe that tax policy should be used to provide wealth distribution from the rich to the poor. This is most clearly demonstrated by the Earned Income Credit (EIC); the EIC is a tax provision that allows people to receive more in tax refunds than were paid in actual taxes. Conservatives on the other hand truly view taxes as a tool to provide for the common good; they differ from liberals in their approach. They believe that free market forces can more efficiently run large programs than the government can. They believe that large government programs are not inherently productive and taxpayers should be given wide latitude about the use of their money for services that directly affect them. Healthcare is another area where conservatives and liberals find very little common ground. Both sides agree that everyone needs health care, but they disagree what the government†s responsibility should be. Liberals believe that it is the government†s responsibility to provide cradle to grave health care. They believe this should be provided by government regulated quasi-HMO organizations funded by tax dollars. Conservatives think that the government has limited health care responsibility. They believe that the government should provide tax incentives to people so they can buy their health insurance; additionally, they believe that the government should provide limited health care to the poor and the aged. Two statements can best sum up the differences between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives believe in limited government and that government†s responsibility is to create an economy and environment where people can earn decent wages thereby making them self-sufficient. Liberals believe government†s responsibility is to provide for the people and conversely, the people should provide for the government. The truly interesting thing is that the extreme conservatism or fascism and extreme liberalism or communism, have both fallen into disfavor in the last few decades. I believe that this country was founded on conservative principles. Conservatives and liberals have very different views about the way this country should be run and the role of government, which everyone should listen to carefully.

Monday, July 29, 2019

News Program Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

News Program Analysis - Research Paper Example This will include and analysis of this students findings. How are the three different forms of coverage portrayed and how the segment framed with regard to the presentation and the bias? X- Reports the floods in the south are historic this May 19, 2011. It crested at 57.1 feet Thursday, and the weather service predicts the crest will hold through at least Saturday morning in Vicksburg. The flood also claimed the first victim in the state. Vicksburg resident Walter Cook, who died after pulled from floodwaters, according to the Warren County coroner, who said Thursday it is not clear how Cook results in them. For some, the cresting floodwaters, which damaged hundreds of homes and displaced 2,000 Vicksburg residents, was cause for relief. For others, it was a reason to celebrate. Y reports VIDALIA, La. - Natchez, Mississippi occupies a prominent bluff overlooking the big river. Tourist attractions, the city is well off and mostly dries, reports CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds. Just across the water, in the lowlands, lies Vidalia, Louisiana. A, working class town, is on the edge of a ruinous flood. At least 300 people are out of work and riverfront businesses there are out of commission. The convention center, the hotel, hospital, and medical building are inches from inundation and losing as much as $1 million a month. The flooding on the Mississippi River is sure to cost billions of dollars in damage and lost business and diverting floodwaters away from New Orleans may not reduce the cost of this disaster by much. How much will the flooding cost the southern-flooded areas and the rest of the U.S.? CBS News business and economics correspondent Rebecca Jarvis said on "The Early Show" Tuesday that the area affected by flooding is very significant to the national economy because of its gasoline resources. Z reports, Eddie Simmons relieved to hear that the Mississippi River crested slightly lower than expected north of him in Vicksburg LA, confident his house woul d survive the flooding that is plaguing many states. Simmons, a retired logger, is recovering from hip-replacement surgery and can barely leave his bed. Despite water swamping his front yard and creeping beneath his house in Port Gibson, he has decided to ride it out. "It's God's work. You have to deal with him. You can run to high ground, but if God wants to come there, he can come there. You might as well stay put, he said". The Mississippi River crested at more than 14 feet above flood stage in Vicksburg on Thursday, slightly lower than expected, easing worries about water potentially spilling over a nearby levee and inundating thousands more acres of farmland. Still, officials warned that the flood was by no means over. The river expected to stay at its crest for several days before beginning a long, slow retreat. It could remain above flood stage until mid-June. Television stories are subjective or objective, informal or formal to represent the TV story reporting a certain appr oach. The definition of objective and subjective: Objective/formal this statement is completely unbiased. The speaker’s previous experiences or tastes have nothing to do with the report. It is verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations. Subjective/informal the character of the speaker or writer colors this statement. It often has a basis in reality, but reflects the perspective through with the speaker views reality. It cannot be verified using concrete facts and numbers. We use our examples listed above, X appears to have an objective point of view. This

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sukuk and Screening of Stocks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sukuk and Screening of Stocks - Essay Example The challenge lies in adapting instruments such a Sukuk in these mediums without compromising on the dictates of the Shariah. Of all the financial certificates transacted in banks outside the Islamic world, bonds are most amenable to the requisites of Shariah. Already many Islamic banks are issuing a variety of Sukuk (not all of which are Shariah compliant); but the best option of satisfying Islamic principles while also being able to integrate into global markets is through Sukuks issued as bonds. Presently Islamic banks employ three mechanisms to showcase the compatibility of their Sukuks with conventional bonds. Firstly, the bond holders' ownership of Enterprise Assets clearly distinguish these Sukuks from interest-based bonds. The second mechanism is the distribution of profits generated by these enterprises at fixed percentages as per prevailing interest rates. The third mechanism is the assurance of capital protection, meaning that at least the principal will be returned to the investor. In order for these Sukuk's to be Shariah compliant they have to answer some key questions. First, is the stipulated amount â€Å"in excess of the price of interest for the manager of the enterprise under the pretense that this is an incentive for good management?† Also, will the manager purchase the assets that is nominated in the Sukuk at its face value and not at its going-rate in the markets at the time of its redemption? If the answer to any such question is in the negative then the Sukuk is considered to have breached the Shariah rules. In this respect the guidelines and deliberations given by the Shariah committee is a useful resource. Author Muhammad Taqi Usmani goes on to talk about how many banks in the Islamic world have failed in upkeeping the tradition of Shariah in order to attract investors. Presently there are loopholes in the system, exploiting which bank managers project a Sukuk as genuinely Shariah compliant, whereas in reality they are only nomin ally so. It is imperative that managers do not indulge in such practices. The paper prepared by Nizam Yaquby titled 'Participation and Trading in Equities of Companies whose Main Business is Primarily Lawful But Fraught With Some Prohibited Transaction' highlights some of the tendencies on part of Islamic banks to neglect Shariah mandates in their pursuit for greater revenues. The ubiquitousness of Joint Stock Companies and the dealing of their stocks by banks throws open several dilemmas. With the Internet making purchase, holding and selling of such stocks quite easy, many banks in the Islamic world are indirectly trading in financial instruments that do not conform to the Shariah code. Trading in stocks of Joint Stock Companies, also called Public Limited Companies, has elicited mixed reactions among Islamic scholars. One group views this practice as permissible provided â€Å"that the profits earned should be purged from unlawful gains†; while the other group finds it obj ectionable. Citing several legal maxims, scholars have either supported or opposed this practice. Some of these maxims are â€Å"The General need Takes the rule of specific Necessity; Mixture of Negligible Unlawful Part with Lawful Major Part; Majority Has the Ruling of the Whole, or the Majority Counts ; and What is Inescapable is tolerable†

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Shadow Side of Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Shadow Side of Leadership - Assignment Example Harper’s article explains the shadow side of leadership as being founded on â€Å"A combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the corporation, and the mission performance† (Harper 2014). Toxic leadership has numerous ethical concerns that violate both the code of ethics and conduct and code of human resources (Mason 1993). In every organization, a leader stands at the peak of the hierarchy or structure of management. Followers or employees stand at the base of the hierarchy. Therefore, employees report to the leaders. Toxic leaders lack respect, integrity, competence, and general responsibility towards the employees. The outcomes of such are high staff turnover, job dissatisfaction, employee disempowerment, and redundancy. According to Peters and Austin, (2003) leadership is not innate. Leaders must be followers at one point in time. It should be noted that, a leader decides on the best way possible to govern the organization through working with a human resources team. There are many ways to lead a team effectively. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Steve Jobs portrayed effective leadership styles. In the same way, leaders can prevent themselves from being perceived as toxic and ensure that those reporting to them become the best that they can be. Leaders ought to integrate the code of ethics and conduct and code of human resources to govern a human resources team effectively. Both the code of ethics and conduct and code of human resources require that leaders uphold respect, integrity, competence, and general responsibility (Embse et al., 2010). In addition, effective leadership ought to focus on empowering the employees, who are prospective leaders. Leaders enhance job security among the empl oyees by ensuring that they [employees] realize their full potential. The leadership style adopted

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comm219 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comm219 - Essay Example This is because it discusses issues dealing with leadership in indigenous societies, as well as marginalization of women in the leadership institutions. Overall, the magazine targets the entire population of British Colombia. This magazine presents distinctive articles because, for every story, there is an independent either cultural or political analysis depending on the topic. Additionally, it allows aggressive discussion by the readers with every story, which gives a platform for readers to evaluate and analyze the story based on their opinions and perceptions. For the sake of user interaction, the magazine is structured into several sections that allow easy and quick access to information that the reader may be looking for. For example, it is divided into news, culture, opinion, mediacheck, national, and solutions. So if a reader wants stories concerning solutions to societal challenges such as environment, one just clicks on solutions and select a story. Further, the magazine has created a platform for comments where readers can give their opinion on every story. Finally, the stories are accompanied with pictures for better understanding and interaction. The story I choose is titled For Kids, the Meal Is the Message. This story is remarkable because of the reaction it ignites from the audience, as well the presentation that uses humor to bring out reality and serious issue, which makes it interesting to read. Apart from the use of illustrations, the story refers to several sources and data to support the author’s argument, and this is what I would like to emulate in my writing. Another aspect is that the story addresses a specific audience while educating, informing, and giving solutions at the same

Review the pages provided then answer the 5-Questions. (Read Essay

Review the pages provided then answer the 5-Questions. (Read fulldirections) - Essay Example B. On the other hand, when it comes to the trip to Cancun, again those with more disposable income may have the motivation to purchase the trip. Older people with disposable incomes, middle-aged empty nesters both married and single, and young people with no kids all may have the motivation and may probably purchase the trip. In terms of the Household Life cycle therefore, both the young and those who are older, who have empty nests, those who are married, and those who are single all have the motivation, and are the likely customers for the trip to Cancun (â€Å"The American Society: Families and Households† 190). C. Breakfast bars are the probable purchase of young people across all groupings in the household life cycle, from singles to single parents, to married people with and without kids, because of the way the breakfast bars signify movement and convenience, as well as price consciousness and easy availability, whereas older people and middle-aged people may have different food preferences for breakfast. The latter groups in the household life cycle may prefer cooked breakfast food, either cooked at home or in restaurants and even fast food outlets, having more money for breakfast and in the case of older people more time and a greater concern for health and nutrition in food (â€Å"The American Society: Families and Households† 190). A. The most relevant reference groups for the brand of toothpaste is arguably parents across the different HLC groups, from young single parents, to full nest parents, to delayed full nest parents, because of the way these groups make the purchase decisions for household items for the rest of the family. This reference group is also the appropriate target for marketing and advertising campaigns for toothpastes, even when the toothpaste caters to younger people in terms of its product attributes and in terms of the other elements of the marketing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

500 word essay symbolism in the short story the glass menagerie

500 word symbolism in the short story the glass menagerie - Essay Example One of the first symbols encountered by the reader is the fire escape. The fire escape represents both a literal and symbolic way to leave the house. It also represents a major them in the story – the need to escape. Williams describes the Wingfield house and makes note of the fire escape. He explains â€Å"huge buildings are always burning with the slow and implacable fires of human desperation† (scene i). Certainly this is true of the Wingfield family. Tom wishes to escape from his boring job and current lifestyle because â€Å"Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, a fighter, and none of those instincts are given much play at the warehouse!† (scene ii). He does succeed, occasionally, in finding comfort in movies, drinking, and magic shows. The fire escape represents his ultimate path to his freedom. His regular trips onto the fire escape to smoke foreshadows the permanent abandonment of his family. In the final speech of the story, Tom states â€Å"I descended the steps of this fire escape for a last time and followed, from then on, in my father’s footsteps, attempting to find in motion what was lost in space† (scene vii). Laura wishes to escape too. However, she seeks refuge not in the real world but within the house and a reality all her own. The fire escape protects her from the outside world. She wishes to isolate herself from the world where her deformity is laughed at and her shy spirit is crushed. Even when she ventures out on to the fire escape she slips representing another failed attempt at entering the real world (scene iv). is a symbol of the affection that Laura seeks and the cruelty that world offers her. Blue roses are both unusual and mysterious which reflects Lauras personality. The nick name while seemingly affectionate was actually a play on the term â€Å"pleurosis† which Laura suffered from in her childhood. Additional, the use of the name Rose pays

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Making money online Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Making money online - Coursework Example Communication has been enhanced, and, therefore, information flows more efficiently from one person to the next regardless of place and time. Markets are now defined mostly in terms of the number of potential buyers and consumers. There exists a very large global market that has provided the opportunity for online businesses to thrive. Many organizations now conduct most of their marketing and sales online. Moreover, individuals undertaking online jobs and assignments have made a considerable amount of money through the niche. Prism Enterprise considers departmentation as a key element of an organization’s structure. Therefore, the firm has adopted the functional organizational structure. The structure is most desirable as it enables the management to establish the key functions of the organization and thus create departments from the functions. The main functions carried out by Prism Enterprise are Finance, Sales and Marketing, Manufacturing, Distribution, and Research and Development (, 2015). There are a lot of benefits derived from the application of such a structure. Each department is given its due attention, and workers in the various departments specialize in their tasks thus improving productivity and quality. Moreover, it enhances delegation and makes managers accountable. The Span of control is another element of an organization’s structure that has been used by the firm to design its structure. The business applies the tall structure of an organization. The structure minimizes possibilities of making errors and fraud in an organization due to the increased degree of control and supervision. The work-load of managers is also substantially reduced, and unity of command is guaranteed. Employees only report to one boss thus chances of conflicts of interests and power struggles are eliminated. The business is faced with various internal and external environmental factors. The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Adopt Intelligence Community analytic, sourcing, and evaluation Essay

Adopt Intelligence Community analytic, sourcing, and evaluation standards - Essay Example The September 9/11 attacks on America served as an impetus for the inclusion of this initiative in the 100 day action plan. This is because the American intelligence system was unable to communicate effectively in piecing up clues and leads that could prove crucial in stopping the hijacking of the planes, and hence stopping the attacks1.The reason of this failure by the intelligence community emanated from inefficient mechanism put in place for sharing intelligence information collected by different security organizations. There was also a gap in the domestic intelligence community of the state, and this ignited a debate on the need and importance of changing and improving the intelligence capabilities of the nation. There was a call from various stakeholders of the country’s security system, and members of the US senate and congress on the need to reform the way security organizations of the state shared information. On this basis, the attacks of the September 11 contributed significantly to the re-organization of the American intelligence community, and the development of Initiative 2 is part of the re-organization. The main purpose of this re-organization was to reduce the gaps in collecting domestic intelligence. The Federal government did this by creating several security organizations such as the Directorate of National Intelligence, and the Department of Homeland Security. By creating these organizations, the main aim of the reforms was to improve the manner in which intelligence information was gathered, and shared amongst American security organizations2. In initiative 2, its main objective is to develop strategies that will strengthen the collection of intelligent information, analyze it, and there after disseminate information to the relevant stakeholders for action. By doing this, the Federal government hoped that it will reduce the domestic

Monday, July 22, 2019

Judy Bacas Art for Peace Essay Example for Free

Judy Bacas Art for Peace Essay Making connections: Judy Bacas Art for Peace. Change: According to Baca, Adversity breeds a certain kind of strength Do you agree? Give an example to support your opinion. Is it really true that what does not kill you makes you stronger? I do believe so. Maybe when people face a problem it does not makes too much sense in the near future, however it will do. The story that Bacas grandmother told her when she was a girl is an example of how sometimes people is not able to overcome problems, nevertheless this does not implies that this happens all the time. It is common to appreciate how people become pessimist and often depressive when adversity meet their lives. According to Seery (2011) some theory and empirical evidence suggest that the experience of facing difficulties can also promote benefits in the form of greater propensity for resilience when dealing with subsequent stressful situations. (p. 90) Mark Seery carried a study in which followed 2,398 subjects for a span of three years, he found that there is a balance of adverse life experiences: some adversity seems to make us stronger than those with a life of either no adverse life experiences or many serious struggles. The study concluded that those people who had experienced a lot of adversity had poorer outcomes, on average, than people who reported no history of adversity they were more depressed and anxious, were less satisfied with their lives, and were more likely to have physical or emotional problems that interfered with their ability to work and socialize. Every day, all the time we meet or we know stories of people who had to endure physical abuse, who was exposed to homelessness, or those who had faced natural disaster of physical limitations. A well-known story is the Nick VuJicics story. He was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. He was born without limbs. By the age of eight he was already depressed and by the age often he decided to end his life by drowning himself in a bathtub. After a couple attempts, he realized that he did not want to leave his loved ones with the burden and guilt that would result from his suicide. He had spoken on motivational topics after creating the company, attitude is altitude. He also launched a non-profit ministry, life without limbs, to spread his messages of faith and hope around the world. Finally, seems like Nietzche was right, what does not kill you makes you stronger. No matter what type of difficulties a erson could have face, always we have the chance of learning of them and breed strength.

Analysing Abuse Of Migrant Domestic Worker Social Work Essay

Analysing Abuse Of Migrant Domestic Worker Social Work Essay In year 2004, the first ever recorded of the nation worst abused and tortured of migrant worker, Nirmala Bonat. The news has brought to light the sad and painful incidents as a 19th year old Indonesian maid told a harrowing story of how she was repeatedly burnt with an iron and scalded with boiling water by her Malaysian employer. The Malaysian image of a caring nation has been tarnished when pictures of abused Indonesian domestic workers were featured in major newspapers. The reports made great impact as it drew series of reaction from disgusted and angry Malaysians who could not believe the fact that members of our very own community could commit such cruel acts. I just could not bear by looking at the images of Nirmala Bonat being brutalized by her employer. What has she done to deserve such severe punishment from her employer? If indeed, Nirmala Bonat is incompetent in her daily routines work, she should have been returned to her agent for replacement. Manhandling a human being or soul, who is here to earn a better life and living is like committing a merciless crime. Five years later in 2009, another similar Nirmala Bonat case making the headlines once again. An Indonesian maid by the name, Siti Hajar was tortured by an old Malaysian lady without any sense of humanity at all towards her. Abusing migrant domestic worker or helper is no longer something new in the society. Siti Hajars plight made the Malaysian and Indonesian media a headlines once more. News says that she being allegedly scalded with boiling water, tortured and starved. The worst still she is only fed with plain rice and occasionally her employer have asked the maid who is a Muslim to digest pork meat is merely unforgivable at all. One after another, Siti Hajar cases has led to an alleged rape, physical abuse, denial of salaries and basic rights of three Indonesian women by their employer in Sungai Siput, Perak. Such acts are simply inhumane. Up to dated, statistics shows more than hundred of thousand Indonesian women are believed to work in Malaysian homes as hoping to earn a better life. Malaysia as the second largest destination for Indonesian maid after Saudi Arabia besides Kuwait, Jordan, Hong Kong and some other countries including maid working in the United States of America. There are few question that I would like to raise up here; are the Indonesian maids working aboard under a good condition? Do they have the right for their salaries or even getting a freedom of human right? Never, I do understand why the Philippines maids were not abused or even being tortured physically. Is it due to the communication breakdown between the maid and the employer? By having a maid or migrant domestic helper, would it make things much easier or difficult for us? Not to forget, most maid from Indonesia which are brought into the country, merely are from a lower grade. This is because a much more skilled and quality ones would be sent to other countries which offer a greater lucrative sum of money, countries like Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. This would lead to Malaysian employer felt that they are being cheated as they have to be prepared to accept those lower grades migrant domestic worker. While the agents are allowed to capitalize on a lucrative business as they often wash their hands off as soon as the workers are delivered to the employers. Such situation left no option for the employer as they would need to train the lower grades domestic worker in household management from basic; How to get the laundry done? Cleaning up the bathrooms? Getting the rubbish out of the house? Baby-sitting? Helping our wives in the kitchen or even thinking of he lping you and your family with cooking? With all this situations, the employer would end up with lots of burden and misery. Before I go any further in discussing the possible measures that can be taken as to curb these issues effectively, let us take a glance at the Malaysian law and policies on migrant workers. The system that is being practice in Malaysia has put migrant domestic workers at complete disadvantage as far as seeking for justice is concerned. This is because the migrant domestic workers are at a bigger disadvantage as they are not even considered workers and as such do not fall under the provisions of the Employment Act. Laws and policies are enforced with great speed and efficiency when migrant workers violate these laws and the situation is different when the employer does the same offences. Even tough, migrant workers make complaints against their employers, they will be subjected to various form of abuses including verbal and physical threats. This again causes them to live under severe stress and fear. I have seen and heard many cases where workers are immediately got their contract terminated and being repatriated back to their home country where they are laden with huge debts and poverty. Therefore, domestic workers especially would put up with the abuses and torture rather than returning to their countries empty handed. The next point that I would like to include in this essay is the forms of abuses endured by migrant domestic workers in Malaysia. Press reports merely stated that the wages to workers are not paid as per the contract even after they have fulfilled all the contract terms. Nevertheless, migrant domestic workers spend a lot of money to come to this country and most of the wages earned are often used to pay up loans and debts, which they have secured and as to feed their families back home. When employers do not pay the wages, the workers suffer the most. Beside that, migrant domestic workers are often forced to live in cramped, dirty and badly furnished shacks or crowded into houses meant for a small family. Some even sleep on the kitchen floor with just a piece of thin mattress. To be exact, domestic workers are not given a proper rooms of their own and such housing facilities that are not fit for living would lead to promote unhealthy conditions. The situation, which I have pointed out, brought an environment where employers feel they have the immunity power. Hence migrant domestic workers are virtually at the mercy of their employers who are confident that they would be able to get away with almost anything. Some employers are fully aware that even if the matter is brought to the attention of the authorities such as the civil courts or industrial court, the immigrant policies in Malaysia would make it almost impossible for the migrant worker to successfully seek justice or redress without first either running out of money or time both which is completely controlled the policies stipulated by the Immigration Department. It is not until the sole reason of Nirmala Bonats case received so much attention and quick redress was given because the severity of her injuries making the headlines of every local newspaper front page. Public outcry on her case has prompted the Malaysian authorities to swing into immediate action. The responds show that Malaysian can administer justice swiftly and effectively when it chooses to do so. It is pertinent to note that many cases go unreported in the media. High profile cases that drew attention has forced Malaysia taking up the measures to check on maid abuses by inspecting on homes, interviews of maids and employers and also by introducing a helpline. Therefore, as to curb the problems effectively, I call on the government to grant swift action to migrant workers in seeking justice and protection. Employers who break the law must be made accountable. The government should impose heavier punishment to maid abusers. Law and policies that impede or delaying the justice system must be either amended or removed together. The Malaysian government need to ensure that enforcement agencies such as the Immigration Department, Civil or Industrial Court and the Police Force to enforce the law without bias and prejudice. Whereby there are cases been brought to my attention that migrant workers have often been subjected to extortion by enforcement personnel. Enforcement personnel have also been known to take the employers side in coercing workers to comply with unfair terms of employment. These allegations of extortion and gross misconduct by enforcement personnel must be investigated. Enforcement must be carried out swiftly and impartially against employers who do not obey the law. The authorities must not wait till there is a public outrage as to get into action. In other words, all relevant authorities are to stop all type of harassment on migrant domestic workers immediately. I personally think that the government should set minimum work and living environment standards that employers must adhere to. These can be achieved effectively as the government must ratify the International Convention on Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1990 and ensure its full implementation. The cultural differences in Malaysia as for a domestic worker to work 24 hours, seven days a week with no off day while being paid wages below the national poverty line. I would like to urge all migrant domestic workers who have been abused to bravely step forward and expose their employers as to put a stop of mistreating them. The agents too should be accountable for their carelessness and irresponsibility as most Muslims maids who work in non-Muslim homes were required to bath dogs and handled pork. Such act would utterly insensitive on the part of the employers and the agents. The solution would be that non-Muslim employers should be allowed only to hire non-Muslim maids while Muslim employers to bring in Muslim maids. The phrase Learn to live without maids struck my mind as I was watching Nanny 911, a television series of a Nanny assigned to homes as to help out American couples in handling and managing their families. I would like to state that men and children should also do housework. House chores are not as easy as you think it would be. We Malaysian are a lucky lot as we can afford to have maids with affordable rates and yet there are complaints of Indonesian maids now are asking for a little more. Therefore, I would say we should do the daily chores, home and outside ourselves. I have seen how typical it can be as only the women do everything at home as the men and children just laze around. Mind you there are tones of work to be done in the house besides caring for the children. There is the sweeping and mopping, cleaning the toilets, washing dishes, the laundry, the ironing, the cooking, dusting the windows and cabinets and the list goes on. This is not fair to women especially, we should have a balance and as for the men and children should lend a helping hands in assisting with the household chores. I think it is about time for us to learn to do something ourselves as this is something that we should ponder over. I would like to suggest that we should not solely depend on maids from aboard. We could train our local women especially the single mothers or purely a fulltime housewife. We could have them to come over on daily basis or even by the hours as another alternative in curbing the problems. This will lead to a cost effective and less risk of domestic helper or maid being abuse as they are not require to stay with the employer. Career women with families to take care of should change their mindset as placing the whole responsibility of the household works solely to the maid as their servant. Therefore to ease their worries especially those having children could send them to a nursing or a childcare center during the days and pick them up after work. The aspects of managing time with work and household duties are really hard to manage. I would say, why not we do it ourselves as life has become much more easier with new inventions with the latest technology of electrical appliances in doing household works. Children are very much a fast pace learner in everything if they were taught on how to do handle household chores. We should train our children to be more discipline and independent from a younger age as to get rid off the sole hope on maids. Parents can start by telling them how to keep their space clean and tidy, like make up their beds as they got up from sleep, wash their own plates or even get the rubbish out of the house. I would love to Live a life without the maid, the wife should ask the male spouse for assistance, cooperation and shares the responsibility in managing the house and their children. In most develop countries especially the westerner, we could see that the male gender does not feel ashamed when come to household works. The husband and wife would take turns and share equal responsibilities in raising and taking care of the family. It is about time as the long-standing issue on the supply of maids is finally nearing a conclusion between Malaysia and Indonesia with the signing of the Letter of Intent (Lol) on amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Recruitment and Placement of Maids from Indonesia on the 18th May 2010. The Indonesian government is expected to lift its ban since June last year as to allow its citizen to work in Malaysia again. Both government officials have been holding meetings to resolve issues in relation to the maids issue. Among the issues agreed to is that maids in Malaysia will be given one day off weekly and their right to hold on to their passports. However, employer and the maid concern could agree to forego the day off in lieu of compensation and an employer could also hold onto a maids passport if both parties agreed. The only issue that is still pending is the wage paid to migrant domestic workers as it requires more discussions. Finally, I hope the government would recognize Migrant Domestic Workers as workers and grant them all the rights that come with the status. This hopefully will resolve the problem. Perhaps the employers should also be required to sign an undertaking not to physically abuse the maid and if they are unhappy, the maids are to be returned to the agency for further training or getting a new replacement. BIBLIOGRAFI 1. Prof Datuk Dr. Nik Safiah Karim, Head of PERTIWI (2009). The Maids: Ease vs Burden. Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI). 2. Prof Madya Dr. Rusinah Siron, Social Analysis. (2009). Overcome your life without Indonesian maid. Universiti Tenaga Malaysia (UNITEN), Kuala Lumpur. 3. Article Maid deal soon, The Star, 19th May 2010. 4. Article Learn to live without maids, The Star, 24th May 2010. 5. Immigration Department of Malaysia. 6. Malaysian Employment Act. 7. Nirmala Bonat case: Housewife found guilty, 18 years jail.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Novel Approaches to DoS Impact Measurement

Novel Approaches to DoS Impact Measurement J.Anto Sylverster Jeyaraj, C.Suriya, R.Sudha Abstract Over the past few years Denial of service (DoS) Attacks have emerged as serious vulnerability for almost every internet Services. Existing approach to DoS impact measurement in Deter Testbeds equate service denial with slow communication low throughput, high resource utilization, and high loss rate. These approaches are not versatile, not quantitative, not accurate because they fail to specify exact ranges of parameter values that correspond to good or poor service quality and they were not proven to correspond to human perception service denial. We propose Novel approaches to DoS impact that measure the quality of service experienced by users during an attack. Our novel approaches are quantitative, Versatile, accurate because they map QoS requirements for several applications into measurable traffic parameters with acceptable, scientifically determined thresholds, they apply to a wide range of attack scenarios, which we demonstrate via Deter testbed experiments Keywords Communication/network, Measurement techniques, performance of system, Network security 1. INTRODUCTION Denial of service (DoS) is a major threat. DoS severely disrupts legitimate communication by exhausting some critical limited resource via packet floods or by sending malformed packets that cause network elements to crash. The large number of devices, applications, and resources involved in communication offers a wide variety of mechanisms to deny service. Effects of DoS attacks are experienced by users as a server slowdown, service quality degradation, service degradation. DoS attacks have been studied through testbed experiments. Accurately measuring the impairment of service quality perceived by human clients during an attack is essential for evaluation and comparison of potential DoS defenses, and for study of novel attacks. Researchers and developers need accurate, quantitative, and versatile. Accurate metrics produce measures of service denial that closely agree with a human’s perception of service impairment in a similar scenario. Quantitative metrics define ranges of parameter values that signify service denial, using scientific guidelines. Versatile metrics apply to many DoS scenarios regardless of the underlying mechanism for service denial, attack dynamics, legitimate traffic mix, or network topology. Existing approaches to DoS impact measurement fall short of these goals. They collect one or several traffic measurements and compare their first-order statistics (e.g., mean, standard deviation, minimum, or maximum) or their distributions in the baseline and the attack case. Frequently used traffic measurements include the legitimate traffic’s request/response delay, legitimate transactions durations, legitimate traffic’s goodput, throughput, or loss, and division of a critical resource between the legitimate and the attack traffic. If a defense is being evaluated, these metrics are also used for its collateral damage. Lack of consensus on which measurements best reflect the DoS impact cause researchers to choose ones they feel are the most relevant. Such metrics are not versatile, since each independent traffic measurement captures only one aspect of service denial. For example, a prolonged request/response time will properly signal DoS for two-way applications such a s Web, FTP, and DNS, but not for media traffic that is sensitive to one-way delay, packet loss, and jitter. The lack of common DoS impact metrics prevents comparison among published work. We further argue that the current measurement approaches are neither quantitative nor accurate. Adhoc comparisons of measurement statistics or distributions only show how network traffic behaves differently under attack, but do not quantify which services have been denied and how severely. To our knowledge, no studies show that existing metrics agree with human perception of service denial. We survey existing DoS impact metrics in Section 2. We propose a novel approach to DoS impact measurement. Our key insight is that DoS always causes degradation of service quality, and a metric that holistically captures a human user’s QoS perception will be applicable to all test scenarios. For each popular application, we specify its QoS requirements, consisting of relevant traffic measurements and corresponding thresholds that define good service ranges. We observe traffic as a collection of high-level tasks called â€Å"transactions† (defined in Section3).Each legitimate transaction is evaluated against its application’s QoS requirements; transactions that do not meet all the requirements are considered â€Å"failed.† We aggregate information about transaction failure into several intuitive qualitative and quantitative composite metrics to expose the precise interaction of the DoS attack with the legitimate traffic. We describe our proposed approaches in Section 3. We demonstrate that our approaches mee t the goals of being accurate, quantitative, and versatile through testbed experiments with multiple DoS scenarios and legitimate traffic mixes. Conclude in Section 5. 2. EXISTING METRICS Prior DoS research has focused on measuring DoS through selected legitimate traffic parameters: Packet loss, Traffic throughput or goodput, Request/response delay, Transaction duration, and Allocation of resources. Researchers have used both simple metrics (single traffic parameter) and combinations of them to report the impact of an attack on the network. All existing metrics are not quantitative because they do not specify ranges of loss, throughput, delay, duration, or resource shares that correspond to service denial. Indeed, such values cannot be specified in general because they highly depend on the type of application whose traffic coexists with the attack: 10 percent loss of VoIP traffic is devastating while 10 percent loss of DNS traffic is merely a glitch. All existing metrics are not versatile and we point out below the cases where they fail to measure service denial. They are inaccurate since they have not been proven to correspond to a human user’s perception of service denial. 3. PROPOSED APPROACHES TO DOS IMPACT EASURMENT 3.3 DoS Metrics We aggregate the transaction success/failure measures into several intuitive composite metrics. Percentage of failed transactions (pft) per application type. This metric directly captures the impact of a DoS attack on network services by quantifying the QoS experienced by users. For each transaction that overlaps with the attack, we evaluate transaction success or failure applying Definition 3. A straightforward approach to the pft calculation is dividing the number of failed transactions by the number of all transactions during the attack. This produces biased results for clients that generate transactions serially. If a client does not generate each request in a dedicated thread, timing of subsequent requests depends on the completion of previous requests. In this case, transaction density during an attack will be lower than without an attack, since transactions overlapping the attack will last longer. This skews the pft calculation because each success or failure has a higher influence on the pft value during an attack than in its absence. In our experiments, IRC and telnet clients suffered from this deficiency. To remedy this problem, we calculate the pft value as the difference between 1 (100 percent) and the ratio of the number of successful transactions divided by the number of all transactions that would have been initiated by a given application during the same time if the attack were not present. The DoS-hist metric shows the histogram of pft measures across applications, and is helpful to understand each application’s resilience to the attack. The DoS-level metric is the weighted average of pft measures for all applications of interest: DoS-level =, where k spans all application categories, and wk is a weight associated with a category k. We introduced this metric because in some experiments it may be useful to produce a single number that describes the DoS impact. But we caution that DoS-level is highly dependent on the chosen application weights and thus can be biased. QoS-ratio is the ratio of the difference between a transaction’s traffic measurement and its corresponding threshold, divided by this threshold. The QoS metric for each successful transaction shows the user-perceived service quality, in the range (0, 1], where higher numbers indicate better quality. It is useful to evaluate service quality degradation during attacks. We compute it by averaging QoS-ratios for all traffic measurements of a given transaction that have defined thresholds. For failed transactions, we compute the related QoS-degrade metric, to quantify severity of service denial. QoS-degrade is the absolute value of QoS-ratio of that transaction’s measurement that exceeded its QoS threshold by the largest margin. This metric is in the range (0,1] .Intuitively, a value N of QoS-degrade means that the service of failed transactions was N times worse than a user could tolerate. While arguably any denial is significant and there is no need to quantify its severity, perception of DoS is highly subjective. Low values of QoS-degrade (e.g., The failure ratio shows the percentage of live transactions in the current (1-second) interval that will fail in the future. The failure ratio is useful for evaluation of DoS defenses, to capture the speed of a defense’s response, and for time-varying attacks . Transactions that are born during the attack are considered live until they complete successfully or fail. Transactions that are born before the attack are considered live after the attack starts. A failed transaction contributes to the failed transaction count in all intervals where it was live. 4. EVALUATION IN TESTBED EXPERIMENTS We first evaluate our metrics in experiments on the DETER testbed [15]. It allows security researchers to evaluate attacks and defences in a controlled environment. Fig. 2 shows our experimental topology. Four legitimate networks and two attack networks are connected via four core routers. Each legitimate network has four server nodes and two client nodes, and is connected to the core via an access router. Links between the access router and the core have 100-Mbps bandwidth and 10-40-ms delay, while other links have 1-Gbps bandwidth and no added delay. The location of bottlenecks is chosen to mimic high-bandwidth local networks that connect over a limited access link to an over provisioned core. Attack networks host two attackers each, and connect directly to core routers Fig.2. Experimental topology. 4.1 Background Traffic Each client generates a mixture of Web, DNS, FTP, IRC, VoIP, ping, and telnet traffic. We used open-source servers and clients when possible to generate realistic traffic at the application, transport, and network level. For example, we used an Apache server and wget client for Web traffic, bind server and dig client for DNS traffic, etc. Telnet, IRC, and VoIP clients and the VoIP server were custom-built in Perl. Clients talk with servers in their own and adjacent networks. Fig. 2 shows the traffic patterns. Traffic patterns for IRC and VoIP differ because those application clients could not support multiple simultaneous connections. All attacks target the Web server in network 4 and cross its bottleneck link, so only this network’s traffic should be impacted by the attacks. Illustrate our metrics in realistic traffic scenarios for various attacks. We modified the topology from [8] to ensure that bottlenecks occur only before the attack target, to create more realistic attack conditions. We used a more artificial traffic mix , with regular service request arrivals and identical file sizes for each application, to clearly isolate and illustrate features of our metrics. Traffic parameters are chosen to produce the same transaction density in each application category (Table 3): roughly 100 transactions for each application during 1,300 seconds, which is the attack duration. All transactions succeed in the absence of the attack. bottleneck links (more frequent variant) and 2) by generating a high packet rate that exhausts the CPU at a router leading to the target. We generate the first attack type: a UDP bandwidth flood. Packet sizes had range [750 bytes,1.25 Kbytes] and total packet rate was 200 Kpps. This generates a volume that is roughly 16 times the bottleneck bandwidth. The expected effect is that access link of network 4 will become congested and traffic between networks 1 and 4, and networks 3 and 4 will be denied service. 5. CONCLUSIONS One cannot understand a complex phenomenon like DoS without being able to measure it in an objective, accurate way. The work described here defines accurate, quantitative, and versatile metrics for measuring effectiveness of DoS attacks and defenses. Our approach is objective, reproducible, and applicable to a wide variety of attack and defense methodologies. Its value has been demonstrated in testbeds environments. Our approaches are usable by other researchers in their own work. They offer the first real opportunity to compare and contrast different DoS attacks and defenses on an objective head-to-head basis. We expect that this work will advance DoS research by providing a clear measure of success for any proposed defense, and helping researchers gain insight into strengths and weaknesses of their solutions. REFERENCES [1] A. Yaar, A. Perrig, and D. Song, â€Å"SIFF: A Stateless Internet Flow Filter to Mitigate DDoS Flooding Attacks,† Proc. IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy (SP), 2004. [2] A. Kuzmanovic and E.W. 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Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID ’02), May 2002. [14] J. Ash, M. Dolly, C. Dvorak, A. Morton, P. Taraporte, and Y.E. Mghazli, Y.1541-QOSM—Y.1541 QoS Model for Networks Using Y.1541 QoS Classes, NSIS Working Group, Internet Draft,work in progress, May 2006. [15] T. Benzel, R. Braden, D. Kim, C. Neuman, A. Joseph, K. Sklower,R. Ostrenga, and S. Schwab, â€Å"Experiences with DETER: A Testbed for Security Research,† Proc. Second Int’l IEEE/Create-Net Conf.Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCOM ’06), Mar. 2006. [16] D.J. Bernstein, TCP 22 Syncookies,, 2008.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Attitudes of Men in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman :: free essay writer

The Yellow Wall Paper: Attitudes of Men I feel that The Yellow Wall Paper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman was written as a response to the attitudes of men and male physicians toward women during this time period.   Gilman experienced the ordeal the woman narrator went through and in the introduction it states, "Gilman consulted the prominent nerve specialist Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, and underwent his famous 'rest cure'--a regimen of total bed rest, confinement, and isolation" (p. 799).   The woman narrator was also isolated in one room with only the yellow wall paper.   I feel that this type of confinement led her to become delirious and she stepped over the boundary to insanity.   She sees that "the faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern, just as if she wanted to get out" (p. 806).   The woman in the wall paper is the narrator herself trying to break free from a male dominated society.   This point of a male dominated society relates back to her husband, who is in fact a doctor, who is ordering her to take total bed rest.   She does not have any choice but to listen to her doctor husband.   Ã‚   The yellow wall paper has imprisoned her in this room.   I feel that the wall paper is a symbol of a male dominated society.   At first she absolutely hates it and then as she slips farther and farther out of reality, it grows on her:   "This paper looks to me as if it knew what a vicious influence it had!" (p. 803).   The smell of the room itself is a symbol of male dominance:   "It [the smell] is not bad--at first, and very gentle, but quite the subtlest, most enduring odor I ever met" (p. 809).     Ã‚  Ã‚  Gilman experienced this male domination first hand.   "Returning home, her attempt to follow Mitchell's advice, which was to devote herself to domestic work and her child, [and] severely limit any intellectual work . . . almost drove her to the brink of 'utter mental ruin'" (p. 799).   By doing so, she had to succumb to what the doctor had ordered.   To give in to such orders and give up a passion of yours is humiliating just as the woman creeping by daylight is humiliating (p. 810).   Ã‚   In the story, the woman narrator, had to give in to her husband just as Gilman had done with Dr.

Friday, July 19, 2019

College Students with Disabilities Essay -- ADD ADHD Writing Attention

College Students with Disabilities As societal pressures for higher education increase, more emphasis has been placed on the importance of a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. This has led to the increased enrollment of students with learning disabilities over the past decade. According to a recent survey from the National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities, one in eleven full-time first-year students entering college in 1998 self-reported a disability. This translates to approximately 154,520 college students, or about 9% of the total number of first-year freshmen, who reported a wide range of disabilities, ranging from attention deficit disorder to writing disabilities (Horn). Attention deficit disorder, with or without hyperactivity, is frequently misunderstood, but it affects college students' academic and social success, as well as their emotional development. Attention deficit disorders are the second most common disability among college students, and it is classified as a psychiatric disorder, rather than a learning disability, in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, DSM-IV. Characterized by attention difficulties, specifically short attention spans, as well as impulsivity, distractibility, and restlessness, attention deficit disorders can adversely affect the performance capabilities of college students. Individuals report "drifting" during classroom lectures or social conversations, as well as difficulties focusing in noisy environments. The Connection Between Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders The onset of attention deficit disorder usually occur b... ...A Comprehensive Guide to Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults: Research,Diagnosis, and Treatment.New York: Brunner and Mazel Press, 1995. Sills, Caryl K. "Success for learning disabled writers across the curriculum." College Teaching 43 (Spring 95): 66-72. Smith, Carl B. "Helping Children Overcome Reading Difficulties." ERIC Digest, 1992. ED 344190. Stage, Frances K. et al. "Creating Learning Centered Classrooms: What Does Learning Theory Have to Say?" ERIC Digest, 1998. ED422777. Stein, Marcy and Robert C. Dixon. "Effective writing instruction for diverse learners." School Psychology Review 23 (1994): 392-406. Vogel, S. A. and M. Moran. "Written language disorders in learning disabled college students - a preliminary report." In Coming of Age: The Best of ACLD - 1982. Eds. W. Cruickshank and J. Lerner. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1982.

Owen Meany Essay -- essays research papers

"Watch out for people who call themselves religious; make sure you know what they mean-make sure they know what they mean!" (572). In the novel written by John Irving, A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY, the protagonist, Owen Meany, developed an unusual religious significance. Owen experienced visions of future events, he had a unique type of faith in God that most do not attain, and Owen spoke endlessly to inform people about God. Throughout Owen's life he demonstrated the same characteristics as a prophet through his actions and his words. Thus one could conclude that Owen Meany is a prophet. Similar to a prophet, Owen was given precognitive powers that allowed him to see into the future. Owen's first prophecy came to him on New Years Eve 1953 during the community production of 'A Christmas Carol'. The most obvious inference concerning the play was that Owen played the part of the ghost of Christmas yet to come. In reaction to Owen's portrayal of this character, the audience's faces which were "so amused, so curious, so various-were rendered shockingly similar; each face became the model of each other's fear" (42). Owen had dehumanized this character to the point that children were leaving the theater crying and some were even wetting their pants. One reference which could be made concerning Owen and Scrooge was that "GOD HAS ALLOWED [them] TO KNOW MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE KNOW-†¦" (366). Both of them were told their futures, however Scrooge made an effort to change his, where as Owen did not. Owen's revelation came through a vision he experienc ed during the graveyard scene of the play. He immediately fainted. The curtains went down, and members of the production all ran to Owen's aid, yet he seemed ungrateful, "He appeared to be sullenly embracing his 'vision' like the typically doubtless prophet he so often seemed to be†¦" (246). Owen believed he had seen his name on a gravestone along with the date of his death. No one could convince him otherwise. The fact that Owen was correct about the date of his death confirmed that he had visions; this proved he had qualities of a prophet. A prophet uses prophecies to not only prove they have powers, but also to benefit others. The second prophecy came to Owen in his dreams when he envisioned the reason and the way his life woul... ...n God but knowing he exists to the point of putting love, faith and destiny in one power. Owen marked his place within the hearts of those who surrounded him with his teachings, strong words of advice and encouragement. Owen Meany demonstrated many characteristics of a prophet, and could be linked to a prophetic figure. On more than one occasion, he had visions of future events which affected other people around him physically and spiritually. Throughout his life he also maintained a special relationship and strong faith in God. Many of Owens morals and values that he voiced became strong teachings about life. Although everyone in the world did not know him, many believed he was special for his wisdom at such a young age. Through these accomplishments, Owen leads himself to the stage of being a prophet. Today, prophets could be all among us, yet society turns away from the idea. The idea of a teacher for the subject of life fascinates many, but the idea of God sending messengers to us repels those who lack faith. What would it take for you to recognize a prophet? Many prophets may go unrecognized in the world and yet the only way they can exist is if someone will believe in them. Owen Meany Essay -- essays research papers "Watch out for people who call themselves religious; make sure you know what they mean-make sure they know what they mean!" (572). In the novel written by John Irving, A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY, the protagonist, Owen Meany, developed an unusual religious significance. Owen experienced visions of future events, he had a unique type of faith in God that most do not attain, and Owen spoke endlessly to inform people about God. Throughout Owen's life he demonstrated the same characteristics as a prophet through his actions and his words. Thus one could conclude that Owen Meany is a prophet. Similar to a prophet, Owen was given precognitive powers that allowed him to see into the future. Owen's first prophecy came to him on New Years Eve 1953 during the community production of 'A Christmas Carol'. The most obvious inference concerning the play was that Owen played the part of the ghost of Christmas yet to come. In reaction to Owen's portrayal of this character, the audience's faces which were "so amused, so curious, so various-were rendered shockingly similar; each face became the model of each other's fear" (42). Owen had dehumanized this character to the point that children were leaving the theater crying and some were even wetting their pants. One reference which could be made concerning Owen and Scrooge was that "GOD HAS ALLOWED [them] TO KNOW MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE KNOW-†¦" (366). Both of them were told their futures, however Scrooge made an effort to change his, where as Owen did not. Owen's revelation came through a vision he experienc ed during the graveyard scene of the play. He immediately fainted. The curtains went down, and members of the production all ran to Owen's aid, yet he seemed ungrateful, "He appeared to be sullenly embracing his 'vision' like the typically doubtless prophet he so often seemed to be†¦" (246). Owen believed he had seen his name on a gravestone along with the date of his death. No one could convince him otherwise. The fact that Owen was correct about the date of his death confirmed that he had visions; this proved he had qualities of a prophet. A prophet uses prophecies to not only prove they have powers, but also to benefit others. The second prophecy came to Owen in his dreams when he envisioned the reason and the way his life woul... ...n God but knowing he exists to the point of putting love, faith and destiny in one power. Owen marked his place within the hearts of those who surrounded him with his teachings, strong words of advice and encouragement. Owen Meany demonstrated many characteristics of a prophet, and could be linked to a prophetic figure. On more than one occasion, he had visions of future events which affected other people around him physically and spiritually. Throughout his life he also maintained a special relationship and strong faith in God. Many of Owens morals and values that he voiced became strong teachings about life. Although everyone in the world did not know him, many believed he was special for his wisdom at such a young age. Through these accomplishments, Owen leads himself to the stage of being a prophet. Today, prophets could be all among us, yet society turns away from the idea. The idea of a teacher for the subject of life fascinates many, but the idea of God sending messengers to us repels those who lack faith. What would it take for you to recognize a prophet? Many prophets may go unrecognized in the world and yet the only way they can exist is if someone will believe in them.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Assessment Equality and Diversity Essay

1. What is meant by diversity? It’s meant that every individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies). It’s about understanding each other, understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment, practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own, understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of knowing, recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others, building alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination . Diversity is a reality created by individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of demographic and philosophical differences. It includes knowing how to relate to those qualities and conditions that are different from our own and outside the groups to which we belong. 2. Describe the community you live in. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of: †¢Interests †¢Beliefs †¢Ages †¢Lifestyles †¢Personal, social and cultural identities. I live in very diverse community. People who surround me – my friends, co-workers, neighbours are different age, they’ve got different lifestyles, interests, beliefs, personal, social and cultural identities. For example: there are many different race and ethnic background people in my community. I live with Lithuanians, one of my neighbours is black, other ones white English. The English ones are pensioners and the black one is young mother, who spend a lot of time in her garden, looking after her plants. My housemates love sports, they go to the gym almost every day. The English couple most of their time spend at home, I often see their children visiting them. They are Catholics. There also are some Muslims living somewhere close to me, I often see them passing by my house. 3. Explain how the variations in question 2 contribute to the diversity of the community. The mixture of tolerant people who are different age, have got different nationalities, interests, beliefs, lifestyle create a diverse community. Different religions contribute into many different kinds of churches and temples, ethnic groups contribute to continental food shops and restaurants, because of different interests there are many different places to spend time – gyms, cinema, theatre, spa centre, etc. and better variety of goods and shops. 4. Give some examples to explain how diversity: †¢Enhances your life †¢Enhances the local community †¢Enhances this country. Just because of the diversity I’ve tried many different kinds of food, learnt to cook continental food. I also know more about different cultures and traditions. The diversity improves tolerance in the community as there are many different people and you have to be kind and tolerate each other if you want to live peacefully. There is a very big diversity in this country and it’s a good thing for its economy: different people have got different needs so there are good conditions for many kinds of businesses. 5. Describe what it means to respect people’s differences and why it is important to respect differences. Respect people’s differences means that we have to tolerate people who are different gender, age, ethnic background, etc. This is important, because we live in a very diverse society and we have to prevent discrimination and ensure equal abilities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

World Class Manufacturing

why is a manufacturing bon ton which adheres to a earth class nestle better qualified to succeed in the contemporaneous bodily environment? How is solid ground class situation extend tod? The modern-day corporeal environment is enormously different from what the bodied environment apply to be in the past. Now the embodied environment is highly competitive, evapor able-bodied and breeding is easily available to every unmatchable including the customers. Over the old age customers have become to a greater extent than demanding and they ar clear about what they privation and what they fathert want.They fatiguet want to settle for anything different from their ask and wants. Markets ar more fragmented in the contemporary corporeal environment. There is a pack of volatility in the market. This is due to free burning improvements and changes in technology which has a great impact on the mathematical production border of companies in the contemporary corporate environment. many products now have very much shorter product life cycles in the contemporary corporate environment. Prices and costs of products are in the like manner displace a lot due to the volatile corporate environment.Companies have to keep interchange prices economic crisis since on that point is too much competition in the market. The more competitors there are the more difficult it is for companies to drop dead since they have to misrepresent sure they qualifying the customers aboutthing better in quality as well as price than their competitors. Companies adhering to world class manufacturing (WCM) are better able to succeed in the contemporary corporate environment. This is because adhering to WCM allows companies to be more competitive in the market. WCM focuses more on what the customers want rather than what the company arsehole offer the customers.Under WCM products are made to meet exactly the needs of the customers rather than something similar to wha t they want. WCM allows companies to be more customers focused and know exactly what they want. This is achieved by putting more resourcefulnesss into market query and identifying effectively the needs of the customers. WCM includes the use of progress manufacturing technology (AMT) which allows companies to broaden their product cat to meet the needs of the customers and overly allows the company to customise products which further helps the company to be more competitive in the contemporary corporate environment.Being customer focused unclutters companies more competitive and reduces the chances of customers rejecting the products e. g. Boeing works fast with its customers to make sure customers get exactly what they want. WCM likewise helps companies to reduce costs which mean companies bum afford to keep selling prices low and be more competitive. When companies work well-nigh with suppliers they can reduce costs. Chrysler corporation realised the suppliers cost redu ction effort (SCORE) in an effort to work closely with its suppliers and identify opportunities to reduce costs from the vehicle manufacturing touch.Working closely with suppliers allowed Chrysler and its suppliers to make cost savings of $1 billion in just one year. WCM helps companies strengthen remote relationships. This helps to open the doors of the spherical market for companies and have more opportunities. selling their products globally makes companies more competitive. WCM helps companies to survive in the contemporary corporate environment by allowing companies to be more flexible so they can cope with the volatility in the market. WCM allows companies to adapt flexibility in different areas such as strategical, tactical and operational.From the strategic point of view, WCM helps companies to be able to readily align the companys strategic posture with rapidly changing external conditions. To survive in the contemporary corporate environment it is extremely important for companies to be flexible from the operational point of view. WCM requires companies to be flexible in this area which direction companies need to be producing on the cope or in a end of time that satisfies the customers needs from the beginning, not from beginning and not to assembling order. Under WCM this can be achieved by reducing transcend times relating to the short manufacturing cycle.WCM allows companies to reduce croak times by sop uping a process taste versus a functional orientation as well as apply the mushroom concept and also by removing constraints rather than adapting with them and working within the constraints like nether the traditional manufacturing. Worker mandate is promoted under WCM which helps crawfish the constraints. Employees are the top hat people to identify constraints and know how to remove them but under traditional manufacturing, employees dont have the authority to do this but under WCM workers are given over much greater power tha n they had under traditional manufacturing.Under WCM workers are organised into littler teams which have responsibility for maintenance, hiring, firing etcetera A worker has the power to bust the production line if they see some problems i. e. jidoka. Workers are also encouraged to make suggestions for improvements known as kaizen and they are also given appropriate development which is also a pre-requisite to empowerment e. g. visual factory, andon. WCM is an approach which allows an enterprise to succeed in right aways highly competitive globalised markets.To achieve world class status, companies need to adopt new organisation structure, culture, work methods, support by a platform of study age technology. The hardware arm is AMT. With the orgasm of the cultivation age, information becomes the key resource of a company. This has encouraged the switch from M form of organisation to networks as information flows more easily through a network. Furthermore if workers are to pla y their break away in process improvement, they need the information to do this.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the american public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue extract from Hell,† Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s own mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should  deal  with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, wired and the impact of humans on the environment.Theres an overview of the insights of the chapter.(McKibben 747) Choosing the single word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some only way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages  and air operant conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies what are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it.Related article: †The old Proverbs of Administration† SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize eternal now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it.Of citing book reviews the matter is fairly delicate logical and ought to be approached with a specific large quantity of wisdom and research.

Mckibben inaugurates his second third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great extra moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the immediate present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth.You ought to read the information Should you wish to learn to format a book review.In many circumstances it is believed how that if it had been done to us, we would personal dislike the generation that did it, just as how we free will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make general public the issue of race, forcing the system to respo nd. â€Å" (748).Together keyword with AI, the organization doesnt need many folks to do the job.

McKibben is asking for us to take a  step  back and look from special someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a more brilliant idea. He is asking us as the most readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s dark eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue letter from Hell.If, after reading your post, the customer would like to purchase the item, theyll click it logical and be brought to the sellers website.Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. Print.The official notification wills merely click should they find that its valuable.

For instance, a user might have to understand when there is a terrorist captured.In which youre at the short story does inform you.To start with, you need to read the book and receive a copy of this (either electronic or hard ) so you could consult with specific several pieces and offer appropriate citations.1 thing about the book is that its rather simple to read.

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